Monday, October 1, 2007

No me gustan chicken buses

On Saturday, I visited an archaeological site where they are unearthing a combination of Mayan and Olmec ruins. It was really interesting and fun! The scuptural aspects were absolutely phemomenal. Even without consideration to the fact that they didn't even have metal tools and that the sculptures were completed well before the construction of Tikal, the work was really impressive.
On Sunday, I had a much less cultural but totally fun experience. We visited Xocomil, a huge waterpark in a hot humid area south of Xela. It was hands down the biggest and best water park I've ever been to. It's weird how this totally modern fancy high tech water park stands as an oasis in the middle of the countryside.
On the way to Xocomil on the chicken bus, I spent about and hour and a half one way standing up front with one foot on the lid of a bucket of gasoline and the other under the driver's seat with my butt pretty much in his face. The return trip was way worse. I had to climb in the back of the bus and was still trying to squeeze in as the bus took off. I got myself in and stood leaning against the back door with one hip wedged in behind the back seat and the side of my head squished against the speaker blaring pop music. I tried at one point to switch positions by alternating which hip got wedged behind the seat, but my hand slipped from the back of the seat I was gripping and I totally punched a guy in the back of the head. Fortunately, for me at least, he was another student from the school and was totally nice about it. I didn't manage the switch positions but instead lost my footing and ended up stepping on something wet and had that one foot slipping around for the rest of the ride.
Ultimately I got a seat for the last ten minutes of the ride and it all turned out fine, other than my possibly permanent condition of spanish pop songs ringing in my left ear. However, I have come to the conclusion that I don't like riding on chicken buses. My cheapskate, er economically sound, nature won't prevent their usage but I'm going to stop kidding myself. They are no longer a fun cultural experience that help challenge my spoiled western views of comfort. They are officially ooky, and I just don't like them.